DEMOCRATIC GOLF, wants to be an example in term of sustainable development  and conservation of biodiversity. We want to protect the environment and improve our practices in favor of environment and energy performance.

Our policy is built around ambitious axes and goals with relevant and feasible actions. We Will develop our activity accordingly to this policy. It is time to renew the vision of golf and to shift towards a long-term eco-responsible approach.

To do so, all the team and the direction of DEMOCRATIC GOLF are committed to :

  • Respect the regulatory requirements and others environment applicables rules.
  • Work in favour of the reduction and prevention of environment impacts due to their activities.
  • Act in favour of sustainable development.


  • Reduce the water consumption and the pollution of this ressource.
  • Favour the biodiversity in the course and its areas.
  • Minimise the Energy consomption durent all the work phases.
  • Optimise our waste management, by a  responsible and safe removal  while supporting the waste recycling.
  • Reduce completely, when possible, the use of crop protection products.
  • Promote the good practices in term of environment to ours employees and all the interested parties, inclunding our clients.


  • The ambition to obtain the norm ISO 14001 : 2015 that only less than tens golfs have in France!
  • “ECOCERT Golf Ecodurable et Ecojardin” Label
  • «Golf pour la Biodiversité» Program
  • «Qualité Tourisme» Label

In order to reach those goals, we are committed to put in place a green management system according to the requirement of the norm ISO 14001 : 2015.

Those goals can not be reached without the involvement of all our employees, we will all participate to the improvement of this approach, we will provide and use all the ressources necessary to ensure its success.